done with sneaking about in my pretty things when no one was around I had long ago found that I became a positive ogre when deprived of the opportunity to express my womanliness when I felt like it I purchased lots of pretty clothes and cosmetics and jewelry, and wear them apenly about the house in my wife s presence Every night I wear a bra (with liquid filled falsies) briefs and a nightgown to bed with her. The day I answered the burning question I discarded all my mascu line underclothes and never expect to ever wear any again I shave my entire body black my brows and lacquer my toe nails When my wife and I go out in the evening I spend more time selecting my lingerie and stockings, and putting on my makeup thar. she does Needless to say, because my outer attire is masculine then only sparingly

use subdued shades of cosmetics and

but my

My two older children are not aware of my TVism 3 year old daughter has seen me in full attire and frequent ly sees me in lingerie with complete and unqu st.oning accep tance True it would be best if I avoid this as she grows older but I m sure that if I had acted gu lty or awkward when she has seen mo the fact that Daddy sometimes dresses 1 ke Mommy would not have been so readily dismissed from her mind I havent intruded my practices into my friend s or neighbor s lives and have never gone outside in full attire This is partly out of consideration for them and partly be cause the risk of exposure is not worth it


I spend most evenings quietly at home with my wife ing listening to records watching television, or just talk

ing while we both do some mending -I in skirts slacks (though we both wear lipstick) I must

she usually in confess though

I often overdo it for a quiet evening at home, with jewelry high heels corsellette and a fancy dress So thats how

it is for-





Old Lady "Are you a little girl or a little boy?" what the hell else could I be?"

Child "Sure

(How about a TV?--Ed )